| 1. | Duncan , when approached , also insisted on seeing the delinquent game - keeper , so there was a dinner , this time in his flat : the four of them 探调旦肯的意思的时候,他坚持着要见见这罪人守猎者。 |
| 2. | " certainly , it is wrong , " said monte cristo , " but you should take into consideration the youth and greediness of the delinquent . “这事是挺严重, ”基督山说道, “但你也应考虑到罪犯的年轻和口味。 ” |
| 3. | In a civilized country people could not defense the drunks and the delinquents on a public site or on newspapers , this happens only in your country 在一个文明的国家里,人们不会在公共场合或报纸上为醉汉和罪犯辩护,这种事只会在你的国家发生。 |
| 4. | Legendary " heroic brother " movie chang cheh teams up to quintessential fight director liu chia - liang a . k . a lau kar leung to bring their brand of artistic yet violent nihilism to contemporary hong kong in the delinquent 由于对社会不满,又受不住黑社会的色欲引诱,沈竟和黑社会中人合作,偷去父亲卢迪看管的货仓锁匙。 |
| 5. | A knowledge of his career having come to the ears of mr clare , when he was in that part of the country preaching missionary sermons , he boldly took occasion to speak to the delinquent on his spiritual state 有一次克莱尔先生到那个地方去布道,听说了德贝维尔的行径,他就借机把这个人灵魂状况方面的罪行大胆地讲了一番。 |
| 6. | Public security organs , people ' s procuratorates , people ' s courts and reformatories for juvenile delinquents shall respect the personal dignity of the delinquent minors and safeguard their lawful rights and interests 公安机关、人民检察院、人民法院和少年犯管教所,应当尊重违法犯罪的未成年人的人格尊严,保障他们的合法权益。 |
| 7. | Article 43 the families , schools and other units concerned shall coordinate , in educating and redeeming the delinquent minors , with the reformatories for juvenile delinquents and other similar units where the delinquent minors are held 第四十三条家庭和学校及其他有关单位,应当配合违法犯罪未成斫人所在的少年犯管教所等单位,共同做好违法犯罪未成年人的教育挽救工作。 |
| 8. | In a sale by installment payment , where the buyer failed to make payments as they became due , if the delinquent amount has reached one fifth of the total price , the seller may require payment of the full price from the buyer or terminate the contract 第一百六十七条分期付款的买受人未支付到期价款的金额达到全部价款的五分之一的,出卖人可以要求买受人支付全部价款或者解除合同。 |
| 9. | Kylie also achieved an all time first in finland with 4 consecutive no i singles during 1988 . early in 1989 , kylie was offered a chance to expand her horizons yet again , by receiving the script to a 50 s based film " the delinquents " . kylie fell in love with the story and the character lola lovell and so accepted the starring role in her first feature film 进入21世纪,凯莉又将她的辉煌记录往前推进,全新单曲“ cant get you out of my head ”已是她在英国金榜的第33首top 40第20首top 10及第6首傲视群伦的冠军单曲! |